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Basic Number Identifying I - Odd and Even Numbers
1. 37
2. 10
3. 92
4. 48
5. 57
6. 71
7. 4
8. 38
9. 89
10. 28
11. 65
12. 39
13. 77
14. 21
15. 26
16. 76
17. 97
18. 3
19. 33
20. 59
21. 93
22. 66
23. 69
24. 32
25. 100
These exercises are for people who need practise identifying odd or even integers relatively quickly. These are to be answers at a rate of 2 questions per second, or slightly less.
Hey Devante,
How about a similar set of exercises involving even and odd fractions?
Writing "pretty" math (two dimensional) is easier to read and grasp than LaTex (one dimensional).
LaTex is like painting on many strips of paper and then stacking them to see what picture they make.