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Pages: 1
6 men want to marry from 6 women ... for each man there was a sister from the 6 women ... and we all know that the brother cant marry his sister ...
how many ways that can be with ?!
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
6 men want to marry from 6 women ... for each man there was a sister from the 6 women ... and we all know that the brother cant marry his sister ...
how many ways that can be with ?!
Question I pose to you...
What would be the answer to this question if men could marry their sister? (or, equivalently, if none of the women were related to any of the men)
Now, out of those ways listed above, how many are there that have at least one man marrying their sister?
Take the answer to the second question away from the answer to the first, and that is the answer to your question.
So, how would you go about these questions? Post any thoughts you have and me & everyone here will help you along.
Bad speling makes me [sic]
this way in my mind ... but i want to make sure ... so what is the answer ... help please
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
Steady now. Bumping your topic won't make people answer it any faster. Besides, Dross has already given you all the hints you need. At least show some indication that you've tried to work out the answer. It would be much more well-received than a sad face.
Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.
Pages: 1