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get the value of :
sin 75 + sin 25
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
i got sin 75 but the problem with sin 25
sin 75 = sin ( 45 + 30 ) = sin 45 cos 30 + cos 45 sin 30 = ( √ 3 + 1 ) / ( 2 √ 2 )
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
guys ?!
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
i tried but i cant think of anyway of getting sin 25
The Beginning Of All Things To End.
The End Of All Things To Come.
oooh thanks alot luca .... anybody else ?
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
lol i was about to answer for sin 75, but just after i posted it, you had posted yours, so i just deleted it
The Beginning Of All Things To End.
The End Of All Things To Come.
heheheh ooh
we want the sin 25 now or maybe there is a different way
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
I wikipedia-ed exact trigonometric constants and it said:
All values of sine, cosine, and tangent of angles with 3° increments are derivable using identities: Half-angle, Double-angle, Addition/subtraction and values for 0°, 30°, 36° and 45°. Note that 1° = π/180 radians.
As 25 degrees is not divisible by 3, I would presume that there is no exact value for it. Although I must say, I'm not an expert in this area.
Sin3a= 3sina - 4(sina^3) after simplification(don't know if I am correct) , then just solve the equation.but how to solve it? lol.
Numbers are the essence of the Universe
thats the question
i know the rule for
sin / cos 3 θ but i dont know how to use it !
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
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