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No! The filter changed it to gender.
Gender appeal! Silly filter. LOL! Well, you know what I meant.
I always assumed it was her gender appeal that allowed her to score all the points.
I'll have to buy it off iTunes and I'm broke at the moment! D: Well, not broke completely, I just need to pay for other things.
No, I have not.
I'm not saying I don't find some tall women attractive, I mean you certainly have a point.
I prefer shorter girls. But that's just my preference. With my genes I had the potential of being either really tall or really short. I got the middle. But I don't WANT to get any taller.
I hope I don't grow anymore...
You say I need a lot of sleep and then say I am oversleeping? I slept a grand total of 4 hours last night! Actually, this morning. But still!
This is my thread and it went on for a very long time, I wanted to see what happened to it. I thought I'd respond while I was here. We can leave this one a lone if you want.
It seemed like you were pondering my response. I guess I was just over thinking.
"Nothing Much"
What's "hmmmm"? What are you thinking?
Hey, I like naps!
Are you sure you just don't need a nap?
Ah, yes. How can I forget. Are you still vicious as well?
Oh... okay. Sorry if I was prying.
Any particular reason why or is it just one of those days?
Same to you! How are you doing now? Still mediocre?
Yeah! Sorry if this is a double post, but I don't think th first went through. I blame Apple.
Anyways! I need to sleep now but it was nice chatting! I'll be back probably this afternoon or evening! Goodnight!
"Snarky"... great word. I like feisty. That's a great word and relevant to the subject!
Sarcasm makes my day! Well... only amongst certain parties.
Oh, jeez you sound like my dad! He's been going through this slight "woe is me! I'm getting old!" thing ever since I tuned 18.
But think you very much. I'd muster up something sarcastic but I'm way too tired.
No, I thought I mentioned him before though... I don't believe I've been absent for more then 6 months, maybe?