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Because n=2 means two tables. Let's call those A and B. Now this means there is a total of 4 players. Let's call those 1, 2, 3 and 4.
We must have 2 rounds of games:
Round 1: Place player 1 and 2 at table A. For table B we then have player 3 and 4.
Round 2: Player 1 and 2 cannot sit at the same table as in the round before, so both of them has to move table. Since only table B is available they can only face eachother which is breaking the rule "None of the players have met in a match before."
Being a very social drinker I have come across a problem which I need some help with. I will try to make a sober analogue problem. Here goes:
Suppose a group of
people are to play exactly matches with available tables.Each match has following restrictions:
Exactly two players are playing.
None of the players have met in a match before.
None of the players have played at that table before.
I hope I mentioned everything needed. So for uneven amount of tables (and therefore matches) it is pretty clear that you could just divide the number of people into two sets, ie. {1,3,5...} and {2,4,6..}. Then you can place {1,2}, {3,4}, {5,6}... at each of their own table in the beginning and then just rotate all uneven numbers one place to the right and all the even numbers one place to the left.
It is not possible to solve the problem with
, but it is if . For I have found a solution as well, but is rather complicated compared to and uneven since I can't just permute two disjoint groups.I suspect that this problem is solvable for all
, but can anyone proves this? And can anyone come up with an algorithm that is not bruteforce to solve this for each ?Thank you so much for your help!
Seems like it was cylindrical coordinates afterall, meaning either we should solve it in another way (doubtable) or our teacher simply forgot to point out, that this is one of the exercises we should not make.
Anyway now I can make some progress, so once again thank you
I see why you were having problems when writing the problem like that. To imagine the shape i tend to use the polar coordinates on a problem like this, because:
I hope the question is not missing any information since it is from an earlier exam. This might be too much asking of you, but could you try to calculate it without transformation? - I'm personally lost, and my biggest challenge with these exercises are those tricky boundaries.
Well as I wrote, I posted all the information I was given (I translated the question), so I can't give you any more information.
If it is true that I need to consider either cylindrical or spherical coordinates in 3 dimensions, then I don't have to make this exercise, because our exam won't contain any of this, however this is one of the exercises mentioned we should be able to make. - I am kind of confused myself, so what I did was trying to calculate the result through polar coordinates.
Oh well I get the result now by saying:
However the reason for the density to stay 'z' and then make the integral run from 0 to r is to me a bit confusing. Can anyone explain why this is the right way?
I've given you all the information that I've been given: The 2 z-boundaries and the density.
However I would think we're working with the boundary:
I have been given a calculus question in which I can't find the same result as my teacher.
"An object T in space is bounded by
I've tried to rewrite the boundaries to polar-coordinate regions, such that
, and , such that:I tried to calculate the mass:
However my teacher has the answer 4pi, so where did I go wrong?
Well you can solve for the solution, right? So we start out by finding the solution of the characteristic equation:
I think it should be du = dx, because u = x-2 => du/dx = 1. However to get any further, I think I personally would need more information about the function h. So I'm just listening from now on
I am just wondering how all the sources I find regarding the cycle canceling claim this:
"Any cycle canceling decreases the objective function by a strictly positive amount."
(This, as far as I understand, claim that we reduce the cost of the flow after each iteration).
If there is a proof for it, then I am asking for it, however it just seems like it is implied in one of the theorems (and those theorems I have proofs for) and I am missing out on something.
Once again I have to ask for your help.
This time it is regarding the algorithm known as Cycle Canceling in which we start out by finding the maximum flow in a graph/network (which has integer capacities and integer weights). By a theorem (theorem 2 in my link below) we know, that if any negative cycles in the residual network of the graph exists, then we do not have the optimal solution, and therefore by sending flow through this negative cycle (canceling the cycle), this exact cycle will be removed, however a new might be created. My question is:
Can we be sure, that by 'canceling' one cycle we will achieve a total cost smaller than the previous cost?
I don't know if the above can be deduced from the theorems of the page below, I just need to know why above is the case, because that will be why we can expect a solution after a number of iterations.
EDIT: Since I am not an established member, I can't post the link, however a search for "cycle canceling topcoder" on google shows the link as the first option (in my case).
Yes the triple-w should be enough.
Hmmm it's not possible to say that all the eigenvalues are distinct (I would say). Oh I forgot a very important thing: I'm looking at left eigenvectors. So the eigenvalue problem looks as the last part of this:
[math]Ax=\lambda x \Leftrightarrow x^T(A-I)^T = x^T(A^T-I^T) = 0[\math]
It doesn't matter thinking of eigenvalues, because I've proven these are the same for the left and right eigenvectors. I think I will look at what it takes to only have distinct eigenvalues (I don't have a proof that shows that all eigenvalues are distinct).
Thanks for a response
Edit: Oh didn't see your post there! Yes I have been to that page of wikipedia, since I needed this to understand the proof. I though only have looked for some understandings of the proof! It's getting late here so I will stop the search for tonight, but thanks for the fast response, didn't expect that
Sorry bobbym but I get this message everytime i try to write the full path: "Sorry. In an effort to stop automated spam only established members can post links. Please describe where instead." (3 w's should do the trick to get on though).
Hello honored all-knowing math-masters!
I am farely new to this level of math so I hope that you guys could come up with a fast simple answer to this question:
Does a special type of matrix, that is always diagonalizable, exist? By type I'm referering to stochastic, irreducible ect.
I am currently working with Google PageRank in which the so called PowerMethod is used. According to … /lec26.pdf
the PowerMethod will make a vector converge. In the Google case I've been using stochastic matrices and for these I've proven 1 to always be the largest (absolute) eigenvalue, hence the convergence is assured according to the link, but only if the stochastic matrix is diagonalizable.
The matrix that's being dealt with is row-stochastic & irreducible/primtive. Is any of these types making the matrix diagonalizable?
I've already read something about hermitan and unitary matrices should be diagonalizable, but they don't seem to be completely the same 'kind' as the matrices I'm working with.
Thank you from Denmark (Hope my english is somewhat understandable).
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